AW Ethephon Growth Regulator
AW Ethephon Directions.pdfAW Ethephon MSDS.pdfFor crop thinning, loosening or ri..
AW Tentacle SC Cotton Defoliant
Active Ingredient: ThidiazuronCrops Suited To: CottonFor the defoliation of cott..
AW Megalith Herbicide
AW Megalith Directions.pdfAW Megalith MS..
AW Teamster 400WG Herbicide
Active Ingredient: TralkoxydimCrops Suited To: Wheat; Barley; Rye;TriticaleFor c..
AW Power Tek Spray Tank Adjuvant
Active Ingredient: Mineral OilCrops Suit..
AW Triadimenol 250 EC Fungicide
Active Ingredient: TriadimenolCrops Suit..