AW Growall 720 Fungicide
Active Ingredient: ChlorothalonilCrops Suited To: Fruit, Vegetables, Bananas, Al..
AW Vine 750 DF Fungicide
Active Ingredient: MancozebCrops Suited To: Fruit, Vegetables, Turf, Field Crops..
AW Xobin 250SC Fungicide
Active Ingredient: AzoxystrobinCrops Sui..
AW Scuffle Herbicide
Active Ingredient: Flupropanate Present As The Sodium SaltCrops Suited To: Pastu..
AgriWest Tebuconazole 430 SC Fungi..
Active Ingredient: TebuconazoleCrops Suited To: Bananas, Peanuts, Cereals, Veget..
AW Pinca 450 Herbicide
Active Ingredient: Glyphosate Present As The Isopropylamine SaltCrops Suited To:..